How the Crowd is Giving Companies a Competitive Edge

September 27, 2012 By IdeaConnection

Tapping into the collective intelligence of the public has gone way past the fad stage and though terms such as crowdsourcing and crowdfunding may sound jargony, they are as many people realize important business solutions.

As if to heavily underline this point in thick black marker pen several Fortune 500 companies including eBay, Google and Twitter will be attending CrowdConf 2012 to discuss and learn about the latest trends in crowdsourcing.

The conference organisers are keen to point out that big businesses have transformed their approach to crowdsourcing and many have valuable success stories to share. Skepticism has been pushed back by numerous wins and the emphasis now is on how better to leverage the crowd to meet a company’s innovation, marketing or other business goals.

Another sea change is that numerous large-scale organisations are no longer shy about discussing their open innovation initiatives.

Among the key speakers at this year’s conference are representatives from eBay, Spigit, Crowdfunder, Google, Elance, the XPrize Foundation, Twitter and many more.

Items on the agenda include:

  • Crowdsourcing and the future of work
  • Crowdfunding is legal. Now what?
  • Limitations of crowdsourcing
  • Crowdsourcing for commerce
  • Managing the wild and woolly crowd
  • Hyper-specialization in the crowd

CrowdConf 2012 will be held at the Mission Bay Conference Center, San Francisco on October 23. 

Scheduled for the day before is the Crowd Business Models Summit.  This will be a half-day interactive session in which success factors in crowd business models and future directions of crowd business models will be discussed, among other topics.

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