Trend Hunter

With 6-8 million monthly views, is the world's largest, most popular trend community. Fueled by a global network of 24,000 members, Trend Hunter and Trend Hunter TV feature 33,000 micro-trends and cutting edge ideas. was launched in 2005 by Jeremy Gutsche, an innovation expert and keynote speaker who wanted to build a home for new business ideas and creativity.
Trend Hunter Breakthrough ideas and strategic advantage hinge on the ability to anticipate trends and identify the next big thing. By tracking the evolution of cool, Trend Hunters generate ideas, stimulate creativity, and ultimately unlock cool.

Each day, Trend Hunter features a daily dose of micro-trends, viral news and pop culture. The most popular micro-trends are featured on Trend Hunter TV and later grouped into clusters of inspiration in our Trend Reports, a series of tools for professional innovators and entrepreneurs.

The core team of Trendhunters is comprised of four editors, who do most of the writing for the site, ensuring a consistent tone. However, spotters also do writing - this is a prolific blog site. In the three days beginning the week this was written, 481 micro-trends were spotted, and the site has reportage on over 33,000 trends currently. They fall into a wide variety of categories, with just as many posts available for interest's sake as for research. For business ideas and innovations, check the Tech, Ads, Business and Eco sections. If you are looking to keep up to date with fashion and social movements, the Pop Culture, Celebs, Art and Design, Luxury and Bizarre categories have plenty to offer.

The blog offers an absolute flood of information, and is best used as a searchable resource rather than subscribing to the feed or checking daily.

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