Innovative People

América González

Problem posing facilitator, problem identifier for achieving improvement as facilitator of teams of technicians (not necessarily engineers)
Facilitator for transdisciplinar teams engaged in a technical problem in order to optimize efficiency in industries.
In education: Writing and reading comprehension improver through non conventional ways, science comprehension developer through analogical reasoning and complex thinking, fostering technological understanding in education.

In medical education: I’m working in a new educational approach for Cuban medical doctors. It means innovation in medical education. This work is being carried out with the Vice Rectory for medical research of Cuban medical University, in Havana


In Industrial innovation:
Facilitator of technicians teams for creating Creole “Tool-Machines” for the extractions of parts of complex machinery. This was done in oil refinery industry and the results were extended to sugar, rice, and “henequen” industry.
Identifier of potential creative problem solvers for structuring multidisciplinary teams for problem solvers in oil refinery industry, based on studies carried on by me in Cuban context, taking in consideration the latest researches done in the world and my own studies
In Education:
As author and director of the “PRYCREA” Program (it can be found in Goggle) that was applied successfully for learning improvement in Cuba and other countries. PRYCREA was sponsored by UNESCO and the Council “Andres Bello”. Its main goal was to develop creative and reflective persons. That was not only achieved but recognized with a National Prize.
As author of a methodology for transdisciplinar problem posing and solution applied to water seeking and distribution, in Mexico, in a semi deserted and populated zone.

1-I’m interested in difficulties in comprehensive learning in any area, science learning in children and youths, problems with writing, comprehensive reading.
2- I’m very interested in problem skills, problem posing in industries or any kind of organization, arrangement of team work from different areas

1-I’m interested in difficulties in comprehensive learning in any area, science learning in children and youths, problems with writing, comprehensive reading.
2- I’m very interested in problem skills, problem posing in industries or any kind of organization, arrangement of team work from different areas

Languages América González speaks:
