Problem Solver

Amit Chanchal

Areas Amit Chanchal is Knowledgeable in:

Architecture, Urban development, Finance, Marketing, product development, Design

Techniques Amit Chanchal Uses:

SWOT, PEST, Brainstorming, Elimination, Simulation, Abstration

Amit Chanchal's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Real Estate
  2. Food

Amit Chanchal's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have also had a personal architectural practice where I have been experimenting with alternative techniques of construction and space making.
  2. I have been trained as an MBA candidate in Finance and with a specialty in Real Estate Finance. Currently, I am working on internet based property Management models
  3. I have worked on Urban development in 14 towns and cities and India and was involved in innovation at many levels. Specifically in the areas of design, waste management, local economic development, environment planning, indigenous building and construction techniques.