
Hamed Rauf

1. Techniques to explore the Unconscious mind.
a. DESCRIPTION: I have developed a cluster of techniques that can be utilized to explore and quantify the contents of the conscious and Unconscious minds of people.
b. NATURE OF TECHNIQUES: These techniques have some resemblance to the famous inkblot-testing technique. In inkblot testing the response objects are the inkblots but in my techniques the response objects take many forms.
c. FORMS OF RESPONSE OBJECTS IN MY TECHNIQUES: In my humble techniques the response objects in a test can take following various forms:
i. Nonsense combinations of English alphabets or alphabets of any language----like: bhngmkh etc.
ii. Nonsense combinations of sounds-------like: DA-AA-EE-NA-FA etc.
iii. Combinations of simple symbols like small squares, triangles, circles, question marks, stars, bullets etc------like: $@&%# and the similar
iv. Combinations of various line-symbols.
i. The information explored from the unconscious mind is quantifiable, but qualitative information can also be explored.
ii. The explored information is extracted by direct communication with the unconscious mind.
iii. During the process of information extraction the conscious mind is almost blocked to participate in the procedure. This has various advantages.
1. The conscious mind cannot temper and change the true information in the unconscious mind.
2. By directly communicating with the unconscious mind the subject either is completely unaware or partially aware of the information being extracted.
3. Very sensitive areas of minds could be explored with embarrassment or information tempering or lying. The areas about sexual abuse, rape, masturbation, self-hate, impotence etc can be explored with minimum discomfort.
iv. The response objects can be standardized to fit our purpose of exploring the unconscious mind.
v. The accuracy of extracted information can be double-checked by using various forms of response objects. And when we have extracted the information we can look to confirm the information by using the overt methods of psychological testing.
vi. These techniques are very time effective. In one hour we can expect to discover about 1000 or more statements about a person while using a standardized test.
vii. These are some interesting aspects of our mind reading techniques.
i. Psychological and psychometric testing of any conceivable kind, ranging from diagnostics to forensic information extraction.
ii. Minds could be read for fun and amusement.
iii. Market research.
iv. All kind of social research.
1. This will be more interesting and valuable because the information will be unbiased.
v. These information extraction techniques could be used as complementary to the traditional scientific techniques.
vi. These can be used to monitor and evaluate the psychotherapy.
vii. These mind reading techniques can be used to create a strong placebo as the power of a placebo increases many-folds if we tell a person , for example, that your hate for your wife is 90 percent. We can imagine that the person will think this information as the knowledge of the unseen---which it is actually not.
viii. Other very many uses of mind exploration or mind reading can be considered or even invented.
i. Multiple-choice questions
ii. Interviewing the unconscious mind
iii. And other conceivable ways to talk with the unconscious mind while using the above mentioned response objects. For example we can write a response object on a card and ask a person that Do you have this in your life? Or do you want this in your life? And we can imagine other conceivable questions.

a. DESCRIPTION: various nonsense sounds and nonsense drawings can be used to give covert suggestions to create or change whatever we want in a persons mind-------of course this should be done for purposes only.
b. USES:
i. These can be used for behavior modification and for various other conceivable uses.
ii. Can be used as placebos.
iii. Can be used as amulets, especially love-amulets.
iv. The effectiveness these amulets can be monitored and evaluated by using our mind reading techniques mentioned above.
v. So this was about mind programming. To this point we knew something about my inventions concerning mind-reading & mind-programming. Till here we talked about two of my inventions. The third one is coming next. Thank you and I appreciate your patience.
3. I have developed various creative systems of counseling & psychotherapy
a. The core concepts over which these counseling systems are based.
i. Counseling based on pure linguistic research
ii. Counseling based on religious concepts and ideas.
iii. Counseling based on the translation of words.
iv. Counseling based on insights extracted through studying interaction of words, languages.
v. Counseling based on creativity
vi. Counseling based on philosophical concepts
vii. Counseling based on various valid-assumptions
viii. Counseling based on genetic modeling
ix. Counseling based on eclectic concepts.
x. Counseling based on mysticism.
b. All of these counseling systems are based on valid knowledge and the process of extracting this knowledge is very simple, easy, cost & time efficient, and this system of knowledge extraction can compete and complement scientific knowledge in practical application and in achieving our desired objectives.
c. Special advantages of these counseling and psychotherapy systems.
i. A large knowledge-database can be created that can be used to counsel people.
ii. Time & effort required to reach this valid knowledge is negligible when compared to scientific research.
iii. This knowledge can effectively complement the scientific knowledge and it can even guide and lead the scientific research endeavors.
d. Core application fields for these counseling systems
i. These counseling systems can be applied to all conceivable types of counseling and psychological problems but these systems can help people live healthy, happy, successful, and intellectually rich & meaningful lives.
ii. So , this was something about my third invention and the fourth one is coming next. Thank you for your interest and patience.
4. I have developed creative method to teach reading to kids of very young age.
a. This teaching method is based on very simple principles and uses homophonic words as word patterns which help kids to pronounce and read words at very young age.
b. This reading method can be used to teach any language of the world in a very short time.
5. I have developed various creative techniques and methods to teach and train people including youngsters.
a. These methods have following various characteristics.
i. They create and sustain pleasure in the process of learning.
ii. They reduce the memory burden for students.
iii. They incorporate games in study.
iv. They teach creativity at all levels.
v. And much more.
6. I have developed a method to teach spoken English (or any other language)to people including youngsters.
a. Again this spoken-English teaching method is based on simple and obvious principles and the students will enjoy learning language without worry and burden.
b. The core principle here is that we use a natural daily usage method instead of boring books and lifeless grammar-practice.
7. I have developed some techniques to create amulet for as many purposes as are conceivable.
a. These amulets range from behavior modification amulets to love amulets. You articulate a type of amulet you need and here I am to create it for you.
b. These amulets are double-loaded with the power of information processing principles behind them and the added power of faith and the placebo.
c. Most interesting amulets are love-amulets.
d. Amulets are printable over any object ranging from a shirt to a laptop cover. Think of an object and it can be printed to it.
e. These amulets are visual in nature and they may take a form of numbers, nonsense vertical and horizontal lines, or non-sense combinations of alphabets.
8. So my eighth invention is a technique that can create damn-attractive paintings and prints by using any media of expression.
a. The prints can be created and printed on all types of commercial and non-commercial objects ranging from textile to mobile-covers.
b. The created prints can be sold on for example.
c. Again these prints and paintings are based on information processing principles.
d. Abstract paintings and prints can be printed customized as per the requirement of a customer. These abstract paintings can be used for interior decoration.
e. These paintings can be put to any use conceivable commercial or otherwise.
9. I have discovered a method to reach general statements without using scientific method. This method can be used to reach valuable truths of fundamental nature.
a. The basic powers behind this method of generating true statements are power of language and power of contemplation.
b. A great knowledge-database can be created by investing time and investment for its application, and this knowledge can be used for any conceivable purpose in mind.
10. Many other ideas and thoughts are in pipeline these I felt are core inventions.