CLUB FOODICAL-Food is Medicine, Medicine is Food.

Its very difficult for individual person to maintain his/her health at good condition in today’s life style. Because to maintain good health we need to go and meet the doctor periodically and measure the nutrient levels in the body or check up the total body and take medication accordingly. And also person not willing to take any medication until he suffers from some kind of diseases. So how the nutrients level is maintained in a particular person.
Due to this reasons where the customer taking food there the hospital should be available so that the check up can be done easily and medicine also can be given in terms of food. Because he or she still not reached the level where they have to take pills, tonics,etc.
So finding out what is less in her/his body and providing the food accordingly will be easy way.
So the idea is measuring the person/customer health periodically And based on their nutrient content in the body , the medicine will go in the customer body as food not as a medicine . So this way we are attacking the diseases every day not after its known as big diseases.

Full Description:
So because of the wrong food habit so many health problems are getting accumulated in the body even we don’t take any action until it reaches or exceeds a controllable limit. So the aim of the “Club Foodical” is to maintain the members health by means of good food. How this can be executed?
First – open a foodical club, it almost a Food serving hotel but little different. Mean a small health check up hospital will be combined with the hotel for checking up the customer’s health.
Second- Foodical not works on regular type hotel, customer come in order anything they want and eat it then leave the hotel. Instead of that it works like this,
Customer comes and register in the Foodical club and the club send the person for health check up, There Customer vitamin,protein , carbohydrates, etc everything is checked and compared with the normal level . Then the result shown to customer and then a card given to customer.

Each customer will have their card based on their health. In the hotel various types of food items prepared on kept in buffet format and just instead food iteam name the nutrient content displayed. So now customer can come and eat their food based on their card means what nutrient content he has to increase,
Eg if he body contains less level of fiber, he can choose the food with high fibre content.

So main thing is instead of food item name, the food will be understood by its nutrient content.
This way we can change the mentality of the person how he relates with food?

Problem this idea/invention addresses:
Mar 12, 2011 | By Nancy Clarke
An unhealthy diet of sweetened drinks, high-fat meats and snacks, and few fruits, vegetables and grains creates a nutritional imbalance that can harm your health. Consuming too much sugar and fat means that you get less vitamin, mineral and fiber intake that your body needs for normal function. If you remain in this state, your organs, muscles and bones can break down. In addition, fat and sugar carry the high calorie loads, making you more likely to gain weight and suffer from weight-related illnesses.
Calcium is commonly insufficient in many American's diets, the USDA reports, perhaps due to beverage choices that favor soda over milk. Low intake of milk products can cause your calcium stores to shrink, and with them, your bone density. Bone weakness, fractures and tooth loss may result. The American Dental Association notes that unhealthy foods that contain added sugars also contribute to tooth decay and cavities.
The American Diabetes Association relates that a typical fast-food meal can exceed 1,000 calories. Eating similar foods regularly can easily push you past an average healthy 2,000-calorie daily limit. Calories that you don't burn off add pounds, and pounds that you don't lose add up toward obese conditions, or numbers over 30 on the body mass index. Being overweight takes a toll on your body, creating problems such as arthritis, incontinence, breathing problems and risky pregnancies and surgeries.
Poor nutrition and overweight conditions increase your risk for some types of cancer. If you don't get enough fruits and vegetables, your lack of fiber and antioxidants may lower your body's defenses. If a high-calorie diet causes you to gain weight, you are more likely to acquire colon, call bladder, kidney, prostate, uterine or breast cancer, according to the Office of the Surgeon General.
People who are overweight or obese experience high blood pressure and heart disease in greater number than those whose diets limit their weight. The American Heart Association reports that eating unhealthy foods with high saturated fat and cholesterol also contributes to hardening of the arteries, heart attack, stroke and premature death.
Gaining just 11 pounds from a poor diet doubles your risk of getting type 2 diabetes, as the Office of the Surgeon General notes. The types of food that you eat can also cause this chronic disease to develop when erratic blood sugar levels can no longer be controlled through your body's normal insulin response. Diabetes requires daily medication, and can progress to life-threatening complications such as heart and kidney diseases.

• USDA: Dietary Guidelines for Americans; December 2010

• American Dental Association: Diet and Oral Health; 2011

• American Diabetes Association: The Fast Food Challenge

• Office of the Surgeon General: Overweight Consequences; January 2007

• American Heart Association: Atherosclerosis; January 2011
• American Diabetes Association: Complications; 2010

The risks of a poor diet and being overweight
• Introduction
Being healthy is also about what you eat - choosing the right food. It is important to enjoy the food you eat - and eating in a healthier way may even be cheaper!

There is a direct relationship between your level of physical activity and how much energy you use up from the food you eat. If you eat more than you use the surplus energy is stored as body fat; this means you will become overweight which in itself increases your risk of disease and disability.

The risks to you: Coronary Heart Disease, high blood pressure, non-insulin dependent diabetes, constipation, joint pain, being out of breath. Your risks multiply if you eat too much animal fat, smoke, drink alcohol and take very little exercise

The risks to your family: Coronary Heart Disease, development of bad eating habits, poor life expectancy But leading a Healthy Lifestyle isn't only about being the right weight for your height.

Understanding the ingredients that make up your diet

Auxiliary products or services for sale:
If it has been open as food chain hotels it will have high profit. And Subway, McDonald,KFC, etc like companies takes this type of work , it will increase their reputation ans same way profit.

Asking price: [CONTACT SELLER]
Available for consultation? Yes

Invention #11869
Date posted: 2013-09-07

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