Molecular-Sized LEDs Provide the Basis for Molecular Computers

Molecular-Sized LEDs Provide the Basis for Molecular Computers
Researchers have developed the first single-molecule LED, bringing us a step closer to the molecular computers of the future.

The tiny LED was created using a single polythiophene wire, an excellent electricity conductor already being used to make commercial LEDs. The wire was attached to the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope at one end and a gold surface at the other. Sending a current through the nanowire caused it to function as a light emitting diode—but only when the electrons traveled from the microscope to the gold surface. Reversing the polarity created only a negligible amount of light.

The molecular LED will give researchers a new way to explore phenomena on the quantum physics level and provides the first step toward creating molecule-sized parts that have both electronic and optical properties—components that could serve as the building blocks for a molecular computer.

Molecular-Sized LEDs Provide the Basis for Molecular Computers

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