REHEAL Smart Gloves Heals Hands Faster

REHEAL Smart Gloves Heals Hands Faster
Designed to help treat hand trauma, the REHEAL smart glove optimizes the area around the wound in order to speed healing while also allowing the hand to remain mobile.

Treating hand injuries is a complicated process, and often results in scars or lingering stiffness. The silicon REHEAL (regenerative healing) glove was developed to improve the healing process by delivering controlled amounts of topical gels and creams to the wound site. The glove can also wash the wound and remove fluids, and it will not adhere to the wound area, which makes the glove very useful for burn victims.

However, the most promising aspect of the REHEAL is that it allows the hand to remain mobile during treatments, which helps speed rehabilitation.

REHEAL Smart Gloves Heals Hands Faster

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