Spinach Powered Solar Cells

Spinach Powered Solar Cells
Researchers have developed a way to use spinach to create “biohybrid” solar cells, which could lead the way to a new generation of less expensive, more efficient solar panels.

For several years, scientists have extracted the photoelectric protein known as Photosystem 1 (PS1) from leaves in order to create biohybrid solar cells able to produce an electrical current when exposed to sunlight. However, these cells are less much less efficient and have a shorter lifespan than commercially produced cells.

To overcome these obstacles, the Vanderbilt team used PS1 to dope silicon rather than add it to metal. By treating the surface of a silcon wafer with a solution of PS1 and then evaporating the water in a vacuum chamber, the team was able to create a cell with a layer of PS1 only 100 molecules thick. The new cell allows electricity to flow in only one direction, drastically increasing efficiency to the point where a two-foot panel could generate 100 milliamps at one volt. The silicon method produces energy level about 1000 times higher than biohybrid metal cells and has a longer lifespan.

Spinach Powered Solar Cells

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well blow me down !!!
Posted by marko pooolllo on May 9, 2016

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