Telemedicine chair - Remote examinations

Telemedicine chair - Remote examinations
A chair that gives doctors the ability to perform patient examinations remotely, using video conferencing, sensors, cameras and robotics.

A doctor will be able to examine patients in remote, dangerous or harsh locations such as the Arctics, Alaska, military war zones, Amazon and African jungles or even Mars without leaving their office.

Patients who love their doctor will be able to keep that doctor even after moving to another city, without having to drive.

A home model will allow someone to be examined by a doctor as soon as symptoms appear, allowing corrective measures to be taken soon and reducing sick time and visits to the emergency room.

Hospitals and clinics will be able to place the chairs at under-served inner city locations, saving governments money from reduced emergency room visits.

Veteran Affairs agencies will be able to leverage doctors at locations with low admissions to help overcrowded hospitals, helping to eliminate the 1,600 person waiting period backlog at certain hospitals.

Telemedicine chair - Remote examinations

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