Novel Chalcogenoxanthylium Dyes for Purging Blood Pathogens

Researchers at the University at Buffalo and the American Red Cross have developed a suite of chemical compounds to be used to purge pathogens found in the blood supply.

There is a dire need to increase the blood supply. At current rates of donat ion, there is barely a three-day supply in many areas of the country, which restricts most types of blood to the “transfuse only” status thus effectively limiting much elective surgery. Concomitant with low donation rates, with each new pathogen foun d in the blood supply and each new test to screen for these blood born pathogens, the blood supply naturally decreases in volume.

Potentially, the disclosed compounds could reverse this trend by enabling blood that was formerly thrown away to be s crubbed clean and used for research purposes or even in the clinical setting. More likely, the compounds could be used as a second layer of defense to purge pathogens from the blood supply for which there are no known tests available.

Categories: Materials & Chemicals, Therapeutic and Vaccines

Type of Offer: Licensing

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