Access to Thousands of Technologies for Sale or License

More than 8,000 Technologies for Sale or License are available at, with entries in fields as diverse as aeronautics, biotechnology, chemistry, communications, engineering, solar and wind power, food science, geophysics, and more

Access to this resource, compliments of IdeaConnection Ltd., is completely free. It is free to search the entries, and free to confidentially contact the owner of each technology.

This technology database is available at

Any university, corporation, government agency or private individual is welcome to post technologies for sale or license.

Licensees or purchasers contact the technology owners directly and negotiate their own terms for the licensing or purchasing of the technology. is not involved in, and does not collect a fee or percentage of any technology transfer that occurs.

"We are excited about being able to give the business community this great resource," says CEO Scott Wurtele. " is all about solutions – and giving businesses access to these technologies, all in one location, provides them with one more tool to help solve their problems."

IdeaConnection's core service is solving problems. Thousands of Problem Solvers from the US and around the world, are available to work collaboratively and confidentially to provide solutions and innovations to problems in virtually every field of business.