« Right Brain Workouts

Drawing on Yourself

By Peter Lloyd

How would you like to take a trip, deep into the uncharted wilds of your unconscious? May I suggest you invite along someone like Christina Wehling. She's a sculptor and an art therapist. With her help, your trip becomes a process of creative self-discovery.
I believe that the principal guide in our lives has to be our inner guide. That we all have within us the capacity to be our own best friend or our own worst enemy. And that nature speaks to us through this unconscious that we have, through our inner person. It isn't coming from outside, it's coming from inside.
With Christina as your guide, you'll soak up a treasure of rich, visual images. And upon your return, begin drawing vivid pictures from recent memory.

My visit to Christina's quiet couch led me into a world that was both familiar and strange. It was my unconscious, after all, but it was my un-conscious, remember. If you're like me, you're not that familiar with your unconscious. At least you don't think you are. Yet when you are in its presence, so to speak, nothing could be more familiar.

My drawing surprised me. But as Christina and I talked it over, the image spoke volumes to me. Christina explains why.
The artwork to me is a way that tells me how to zero in, or what to zero in, and help the person become aware of themselves.
Why go to all the trouble of dragging yourselves in and out of your unconscious? Because according to Christina Wehling it will help you develop your full potential.
And to develop capacities and talents, I think, is our responsibility as human beings.
I know, it's a little bit like work, but that's why you've got a right brain.

For more about art therapy, read Group Art Therapy as an Adjunct to Treatment for Chronic Outpatients by Bonnie L. Green Ph.D., Christina Wehling M.A., A.T.R., and Gerald J. Taisky A.M., A.C.S.

Peter Lloyd is co-creator with Stephen Grossman of Animal Crackers, the breakthrough problem-solving tool designed to crack your toughest problems.
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