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Dreams vs. Reality

By Peter Lloyd

You know the dream. You’re trying to find your way to a college class. Where is the classroom? When does class start? Or you’re headed for an exam, sometimes in your underwear, and you realize you haven’t attended class all semester!

In the middle of just such a dream, I thought to myself, “I wish this were just one of those college dreams! Then I could just wake up and forget about this class.” But I did not wake up, because I did not realize I was dreaming! Make that, I was convinced I was not dreaming!

When I woke up, I shuddered at my inability to determine that I was dreaming when I considered whether or not I was dreaming inside a dream.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Like most people, I’ve mused about life being a dream. And when confronted now with the fact that I had been convinced that a real dream was real life, I naturally question whether or not I’m dreaming as I write this paragraph.

Is there a difference? If so, what is the essential difference between dreaming and being awake? We won’t solve this, ever, I don’t believe. But it occurs to me that dreaming is a lot like the creative state.

The most constructive creative frame of mind, like dreaming, leaves intention open. When you think creatively and when you dream, you wander aimlessly from one connection to another. Randomness rules dreams and creativity.

When you think creatively, you pioneer intrepidly into unexplored territory, combine unrelated ideas, and make sense of nonsense. The results of dreams intrigue and fascinate. They enrich as art, music, and the rest. Dream on!

Songwriter, author, ghostwriter, copywriter, and content provider Peter Lloyd syndicates Right Brain Workouts and blogs for businesses including Align4Profit.

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