IdeaConnection Innovation

Posts in March 2015

A Brief and Fascinating History of Electricity

A Brief and Fascinating History of Electricity

Mar-31-15 By IdeaConnection
Sir Isaac Newton wasn't the only brilliant person to have seen further by standing on the shoulders of giants.  The history of electrical research is littered with many giants who built on the work of previous generations of outstanding minds.  Their sparks of genius have filled our world with so many conveniences that it's difficult to imagine a life without electricity.  But who were these outstanding individuals?

The Russ College of Engineering and Technology at Ohio University has compiled a fascinating infographic charting some of the key names in the history of electricity and the impact of their work.
Can the Crowd Help Improve Prostate Cancer Outcomes?

Can the Crowd Help Improve Prostate Cancer Outcomes?

Mar-24-15 By IdeaConnection
Prostate cancer is one of the biggest killers of men in several countries according to the World Cancer Research Fund International.  And in recent years, incidence rates have increased dramatically.

To better predict survival, disease progression and treatment toxicity a new crowd-based project has been launched - The Prostate Cancer DREAM Challenge.
Crowdsourcing Help for Human Rights

Crowdsourcing Help for Human Rights

Mar-17-15 By IdeaConnection
One of the many advantages of crowdsourcing is how it can bring together diverse individuals to solve problems and challenges for the common good.

Non-profit organization Advancing Human Rights has developed a project called to help protect basic freedoms, particularly for those living in closed societies.
New Open Innovation Challenges to Enter

New Open Innovation Challenges to Enter

Mar-10-15 By IdeaConnection
Eyes down for a raft of new open innovation challenges that are offering big money opportunities. Solutions are required to improve the outcome for patients with rare diseases, to trap illegal robocallers, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and to come up with a hit television series.
Coffee Bean Innovation that can Power London’s Buildings

Coffee Bean Innovation that can Power London’s Buildings

Mar-02-15 By IdeaConnection
Many of us need a morning cup of coffee to kick start our day, but coffee can do more than fuel our minds, it can power buildings and transport as well.

A UK based start-up, called Bio-Bean is turning used coffee beans from London coffee shops into green energy.