SAST/Bosch Video Analytics Challenge

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SAST/Bosch Video Analytics Challenge Deadline: 2019-06-14
Award: $20,000
Open to: Everyone*

Over the past several years, new threat scenarios have emerged requiring the automated detection of potential security incidents in a complex landscape. These security and safety use cases require advances in automatic detection and tracking of persons & objects with respect to accuracy and robustness.

At the same time, new use cases have emerged in fields such as brick-and-mortar retail analytics, which require algorithms that can not only track individuals, but gather insights about customer shopping behavior in crowded areas while ensuring their privacy. For example, new approaches to checkout
queue analysis are required to enable the automated detection of queue formation, generation of summary statistics such as size and length of the queue, as well as filtering out individuals exhibiting non-queue behavior.

We are looking for solutions in the following areas:
(1) fundamental detection and tracking capabilities that leverage state-of-the art AI technologies,
(2) retail queue analyticssolutions,
(3) mobility and smart city analytics solutions.

* Details may apply. See contest website to confirm eligibility.

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