Innovation Articles

By Bernard Ferrari

Using Rivalry to Spur Innovation


Is company rivalry a good way to stir up new innovation? Companie, occasionally overlook the benefits of healthy competition to motivate them to improve their products or services. In fact, being inspired to remain comparative to other companies is an extremely useful incentive when it comes to growing an agency. Having an existing market opponent has proven to be the best way to inspire brand re-invention, and keeping up with the changing times.

Using Rivalry to Spur Innovation


Is company rivalry a good way to stir up new innovation? Companies occasionally overlook the benefits of healthy competition to motivate them to improve their products or services. In fact, being inspired to remain comparative to other companies is an extremely useful incentive when it comes to growing an agency. Having an existing market opponent has proven to be the best way to inspire brand re-invention, and to keep up with the changing times.