The Realization of Personalized E-Learning platform based on 3G Mobile phone and NGN control frame work for SIP based IP Netwo

February 8, 2013 By Abdul Wahab

NGN core flexibility, its subject to adoption and the rapid growth in the personal mobile devices led to rapid growth in
mobile based services as mobile E- Learning. The personalized E-Learning service is proposed based on J2ME , it is
integrated with open source IMS control frame work for user management, session establishment using SIP protocol and
Multimedia learning content delivery like voice, video, whiteboard sharing using RTP and RTSP. The proposed E-Learning
platform comprises on four layers user agent layer (3G mobile phone, J2ME based SIP learning and teaching agent
application software), access layer (3G UMTS, Wi-Fi, GPRS), Data communication layer (SIP signaling, XML data
exchange between mobile client and Application server) and E- Control and Management layer (IMS control functions,
HSS, Learning content application servers ). This personalized E-Learning provides opportunity for learners and teachers to
learn, teach and control management everywhere.


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