Problem Solver

Andy Thomas

Andy Thomas
I can create innovative and inventive solutions to any problem dealing with design. I have a creative mind perfect for designing and inventing new products that improve technology. Know what intrests Americans best, would be great for ideas to advertismeor market any ideas

Areas Andy Thomas is Knowledgeable in:

green engineering, Inventions, marketing, any type of design, problem solving

Techniques Andy Thomas Uses:

quick, optimized solutions and products to best fit the needs of the customer and or owner

Andy Thomas's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Skilled with engineering
  2. Currently an inventor
  3. work good with music
  4. creative ideas for advertising and marketing
  5. Athlete that has ideas of innovative sports equipment
  6. currently a problem solver
  7. skilled with any form of entertainment
  8. creative ways to conserve energy
  9. Designing products
  10. creative recycling methods

Andy Thomas's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Have several inventions awaiting patent process
  2. Competed and won Going Green Recycling competition to create innovative ways to get people to recycle.
  3. In patent process of Innovative Footwear design