Problem Solver

Bernard-Xavier Leclercq

Bernard-Xavier Leclercq
You could chose for a perfect world solution but it will be difficult for you to implemented it. With my deep project management, I am put the attention to have an implementable solution.

Areas Bernard-Xavier Leclercq is Knowledgeable in:

I have deep knowledge of IT, Telecom/Intenet and Military industry. But I am also interested in the renewable industry.

Techniques Bernard-Xavier Leclercq Uses:

I used mutliple technique from fishbone diagram via mind mapping and other brainstorming and constrain optimization.

Bernard-Xavier Leclercq's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Quick to understand the context
  2. Ability to define implementable solution
  3. Good understanding of IT and telecom technology
  4. Synthethic
  5. Project manager
  6. Implementation manager
  7. Good planning and organizational skills
  8. Global solution from the strategy to actions
  9. Good understanding of complexe IT system and infrastructure
  10. Align business and IT

Bernard-Xavier Leclercq's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. As project manager, I had at multiple occasion to demonstrate problem solving competencies. Problem were link to business model, IT infrastructure, Management, technical and telecommunication issue. In addition, we could add political issues.