Problem Solver

Chris Hamilton

I am a young, ambitious individual that enjoys to be challenged mentally. I currently am employed by a food company where I am the head of R&D. I have always enjoyed solving problems. I am both a creative and analytical thinker. The reason I am interested in is I have many interests and thought this site would give me an opportunity to solve problems outside my current field. Getting paid to solve the problems provides extra incentive for me. I enjoy learning and I would rather get paid to learn than have to pay to take classes. I am also very competitive. I am an excellent listener.

Areas Chris Hamilton is Knowledgeable in:

Food, technology, sports, internet, human and animal behavior, video games, investing, business, and nanotechnology

Techniques Chris Hamilton Uses:

Brainstorming, divide and conquer, research, analogy, reduction, incubation, reverse engineering, creative problem solving,

Chris Hamilton's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Food Science/Culinary Arts
  2. Food Service/Restaurant Industry
  3. Research and Development
  4. Quality Control
  5. Food Manufacturing
  6. Problem Solving
  7. Sports
  8. Product Development
  9. Improving Efficiencies
  10. Creative and Analytical Thinking

Chris Hamilton's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Determining how to take a product from bench top sample to full production. Making necessary adjustments during the process to yield an identical product to bench top sample.
  2. Reducing product cost by altering formula without reducing quality.
  3. Increasing production yields and outputs by improving production process.
  4. Finding solutions to manufacturing miscalculations and errors. Making adjustments in real time to avoid production downtime. Determining when to cut losses instead of potentially losing more time and money by continuing to try to correct error. Determining acceptable amount of re-work to add to new batches.
  5. Researching and developing new products based on current trends or client's specific needs.
  6. Designing production line and specifying equipment for new projects. Finding equipment that allows for expansion as well as versatility. Dealing with cost overruns by cutting or changing equipment while making sure line will operate as originally proposed.
  7. Starting a new division within our company. Writing strategic plan to fit into exist company. Managing development of website design and launch. Identifying potential clients.