Problem Solver

Columb Duffy

I'm driven by challenges, but have chosen employment at this stage of my life that allows me more time to be a parent than develop my career. Consequently, I'm looking for projects to supplement the satisfaction I get from solving problems and seeing improvements to completion during my full-time employment. I'm an engineer at heart, and have a logical and methodical approach, but not at the expense of innovation.

Areas Columb Duffy is Knowledgeable in:

Software systems. Business process engineering. Enterprise architecture.

Techniques Columb Duffy Uses:

Six Sigma techniques such as root cause analysis, affinitising, visualisation.

Analyses, Strategies, and Processes - a market analysis and visualisation framework.

Columb Duffy's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Enterprise architecture
  2. Software system architecture
  3. Problem reduction and core issue abstraction
  4. Computer programming
  5. Algorithmic design

Columb Duffy's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. In one instance I used market analysis techniques to identify competitive advantage, offerings, competitors, and develop a market strategy for the company. This was after I identified that the market strategy was fundamentally flawed and would follow evidence that it was not working.
  2. As a software system and enterprise architect, identifying and solving problems is my job. Typically these problems would not exist if the best solution was obvious, and in many cases the most obvious solution is the cause of the problem. My key skill is in scraping the emotion from the scene and focusing on the root cause.

    Since I work primarily for a government contractor, I am unable to disclose details on specific problems and solutions.