Problem Solver

David Arscott

David Arscott
I am a fun loving hard working individual willing to go the extra mile to find a solution no matter what the problem maybe.

Areas David Arscott is Knowledgeable in:

Energy, innovation of any type, Socioeconomic solutions in relation to the less fortunate third world countries and Physics.

Techniques David Arscott Uses:

Research the different options to combat soil erosion. Once chosen adjusted the angle for optimum grouting using wet cement bags to ensure the holes where filled.

David Arscott's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Known to think outside the box

David Arscott's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I helped introduce soil nailing into Jamaica. Soil nailing is the injection of grout into the soil through a steal bar. This process simulates root systems of plants, which aid in the retention of soil on a slope.