Problem Solver

Deborah O'Neil

Areas Deborah O'Neil is Knowledgeable in:

biologics drug discovery and development
cellular and molecular immunology
host pathogen interactions
the biology of infectious disease

Techniques Deborah O'Neil Uses:

Biology led, rational drug design approaches to generate first in clsss therapeutics

Deborah O'Neil's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. design & development of novel medicinal therapeutics
  2. biology led rational drug design

Deborah O'Neil's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have generated and authored over 70 patents spanning 10 patent families
  2. I have published numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers on innate and adaptive immune responses to infectious challenge
  3. I founded a global leading biotechnology company, in doing so translating novel concepts into clinical stage drug candidates for difficult to treat, porrly met infectious conditions