Problem Solver

Dee Hoendervanger

Nothing is to insignificant if there is a better way of doing it.

Areas Dee Hoendervanger is Knowledgeable in:

Real Estate, Marketing, saving companies money, research and audits

Dee Hoendervanger's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. years of marketing experience
  2. years of solving problems and everyone asking for solutions
  3. common sense solutions
  4. innovative and forward thinking

Dee Hoendervanger's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Very involved in research and organization skills. Have an idea already for a "green idea that everyone will want"
  2. While working for a grocery company I was involved in scheduling of delivery trucks to supermarkets. I came up with the idea for the drivers to bring the mail with them to each location. This saved the company millions upon millions of dollars in postage costs.