Problem Solver

Dennis Beck

I generally try to produce solutions that are practical and inexpensive, rather than flashy or use the newest technology. When I solve a technical problem I look for a solution first and then look for technology to implement that solution.

Areas Dennis Beck is Knowledgeable in:

Mathematics, Programming, Physics, General Science, and Technology.

Techniques Dennis Beck Uses:

Scientific Method, Logic, and thinking outside the box.

Dennis Beck's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Great a searching web for solutions
  2. Collaborate well with others
  3. Linux system programming
  4. Know how to explain Complicated Ideas To Others
  5. Web Programming
  6. Understand Classical Physics
  7. Great at word problems
  8. Teacher
  9. Calculus
  10. Linear Programming
  11. Out of the box thinker
  12. Practical Math Skills
  13. Computer Programming Debugging

Dennis Beck's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Implemented a teacher-only social web site using Drupal at my school to replace the group conversations done by teachers on e-mail.
  2. Wrote a software solution to emulate a sensor based conveyor belt system to unit test software so that software could be tested before going live and causing damage to the physical system.
  3. I created a task switching system to allow a minicomputer to run multiple users with low memory and processor overhead.
  4. I designed and implemented a language parser solution to convert data between incompatible systems that only relied on existing data definitions for input to the process.