Problem Solver

Desmond Coke

Once a decision has made made to begin a project, I will do all that is necessary to conclude a swift quality service solution wthin the agreed timescales.

Areas Desmond Coke is Knowledgeable in:

Education, Recruitment, Business, Healthcare, Facilities Management hard & soft

Techniques Desmond Coke Uses:

Appreciative enquiry, Storyboardsunblock bottle neck,Swot risk amalysis, Flow charts, Boston Matrix, 5 why's,cause & effect diagnosis, critical success factors

Desmond Coke's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Health & safety:- Risk Assessment, safety checks, repairs, contracting and procurement
  2. First Aid:- Risk assessment, Equipment monitoring and supplies
  3. Fire Safety:- Weekly tests, equipment monitoring, fire safety drills

Desmond Coke's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I Developed front help desk manual to help facilities co-ordinators to understamd how to deal with customers, telephones, BMS & plant room equuipment, fire testing, intruder & panic alarms.

    I set up and ran a sucessful two day carnival and procession on a budget of £90,000 which was hosted in a local park and attracted 200 performers and 40,000 people.

    I set up a rehearsal recording studio which recorded 30 records and distributed products to London, Birmingham, Manchester and Holland.

    I set up and organised 11 licensed ommunity radio broadvasts in local schools, community centres and churches.