Problem Solver

Doug Kenfield star Top Solver

Doug Kenfield

Areas Doug Kenfield is Knowledgeable in:

Natural products as agricultural amendments, medicine, nutrients
Water quality improvement
Plant propagation and cultivation

Techniques Doug Kenfield Uses:

Core analysis, ie, identify the origin of the problem then address appropriate ameliorative approaches. If these are financially constraining or uncontrollable, select next best solution.

Doug Kenfield's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Sustainable Agriculture/Permaculture
  2. Rhizoflora as amendments
  3. Mycoremediation
  4. Natural Product Isolation & Purification
  5. Native plant shrub and tree propagation, cultivation, installation, maintenance
  6. Riparian Restoration
  7. Setting up sustainable re-entry program for recently released prisoners

Doug Kenfield's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Initiating a remediation project to clean up the Rio Huatanay, a river flowing through Cusco, Peru, which is basically an open sewer. Have established connections with participants from the University San Antonio Ablad and local activists. Riparian restoration, mycoremediation, and cash-flow projects are all planned to clean up then sustain the remediation.
  2. Spent nearly 20 years in medical and botanical research labs -- federal and state -- isolating, purifying and identifying modes-of-action for natural products from plants, fungi, and bacteria.
  3. Spent a short consultancy in the Shandong Province of China helping a private group establish a large-scale tree and shrub nursery.
  4. Wrote up remediation plan for cost-effective abatement of cyanide leaching into ground water from aluminum manufacturer's slag pile.
  5. Wrote up biological portion of site remediation of abandoned gravel pit situated on an island in Puget Sound.
  6. Have extensive experience tutoring and mentoring "challenged"students in math, science, reading, and writing.
  7. Established and managed a native plant nursery for a Native American tribe to replace exotic vegetation with native flora. Utilized labor from local penal system. Helped design and implement a re-entry program to assist recently released prisoners become productive citizens.
  8. Worked as a trouble-shooter for a major seedling nursery solving production problems and interfacing with client problems. Set up a brokering program to integrate out-sourced plant material into sales and shipping stream.
  9. Just starting to work with a micro-banking organization in Peru to help recruit funds for expanding their operations to serve both urban and rural business-people and agriculturists.