Problem Solver

Jack Grenan

Jack Grenan

Areas Jack Grenan is Knowledgeable in:

I listed my credentials and experience ... I am not arrogant so plez do not take this answer as such Thank You
I spent 3 yrs fighting 4th sage colon cancer in 5 lymph nodes, I spent 3 months in coma. I had $6,000,000.00 in bills and hd to problem solveliving and keeping my family together ...

Techniques Jack Grenan Uses:

Thought process:
a. How has this problem been successfully & unsuccessfully before.
b. Why did it work or fail
c. Research problem and similar probles.
d. what are ALLthe components
e. what are my resources
f what is the cost in current losses time & money

g. What is my time frame to correct problem.
h what are mt alternatives
i timeline and step by stepo plan
j ongoing evaluation
k predicted problems in solving problem
l what alternative IF I cannot solve the problem
m document everything for future rference
n KEEP MY SUPERIORS up to date
o get employee /team buy in
p delegate
r. be open minded & creative listen to others

Jack Grenan's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Friend,Teacher, mentor, problem solver, psychologist to anyone who has lost all hope!
  2. BA Dble Major geography& Poli Sci, MA Education, MS psychology,PhD hypnotherapy
  3. Hypnotherapist
  4. Psychology and Education Professor
  5. Licensed Psychologist
  6. College & Professional Basketball Coach
  7. Motivaonal Speaker
  8. Author
  9. Survivor of 4th stage colon cancer and 3 month coma with continuos 106 fever

Jack Grenan's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I design class schedules to allow all the students in a high school to switch from semesters to trisemesters and take more electives.
  2. Design way to not rake leaves large plastic sheet with holes to allow water to go thru. Spikes on 4 corners. after leaves fall bag up and toss use leaves to make fireplace logs
  3. I was a college Basketball coach for 10 years who had teams ranked 4th, 10th and 18th in the nation. I had to motivate players and solve gme problems instantly , by forseeing problems and preparing my players & reacting to the other team
  4. I developed and taught stress management training seminars.

  5. I use hypnosis to stop smoking. I use hypnosis to help people recall forgotten facts. also stop smoking, weight loss...also to cure illness!!!!!!!!
  6. n a practical level iFor the City of Detroit where I was an Sr. Executive Training instructor I taught a class called Effective Supervison . EVERY employee out of 17,000 employees promoted to supervisor had to take my calss before starting their new supervisory position. The greatest employee problem that lead to employee discipline was absenteeism and tardiness. I researched and design a prgram for EVERY employee that the City enacted that resolved the tardiness problem and resulted in saving millions of dollars spent on lost work time, union greivances and heaings and court cases . The program was Flex -time BEFORE IT WAS~ POPULAR This was early 1980s. Detroit was the first or one of the very first major Cities to use Flex Time.
  7. I am a psychologist . I have the greatest problem solving challenge in the world, in my opinion. I must first discover what is ailing/depressing an individual and then figure out how to correct that issue that results in the person accepting and then dealing with the issue. I am a Cognitive Behavioralist. I solve problems /help patients by FIRST changing how a person THINKS and then I am able to help change their behavior. An example of dritical problem solving is dealing with a person on the phone in the actual act of commiting suicide and trying to figure out EXACTLY the correct thing to say with NO time to spare to sovle the problem of " How do I get thisperson to NOT kill themself!"