Problem Solver

Ena Urbach

Ena Urbach

Areas Ena Urbach is Knowledgeable in:

Molecular microbiology, cloning and sequencing technologies, genetic and metabolic engineering, bioinformatics, and synthetic biology.

Techniques Ena Urbach Uses:

Induction, deduction, literature research, brainstorming alone and with peers.

Ena Urbach's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. bioinformatics
  2. drug discovery
  3. molecular microbial ecology
  4. bacterial physiology
  5. molecular evolution
  6. genetic engineering
  7. database design
  8. synthetic biology

Ena Urbach's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Developed metagenomic DNA libraries using DNA from soil microorganisms.
    • Developed methods to isolate high molecular weight bacterial DNA from soil.
    • Optimized micro- and molecular biology for large-insert library construction.
  2. Designed and implemented high-throughput drug discovery assay and data systems.
    • Integrated cellular and biochemical aspects of assay design.
    • Developed database for multiwell plate tracking, data collection and statistics.
    • Supervised implementation and system optimization.
    • Identified potential antibiotic-producing “hit” clones
  3. Designed and Engineered Cloning System for antibiotic discovery.
    • Designed Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) host/vector system compatible
    with antibiotic discovery assays.
    • Engineered new E. coli host strains using synthetic genes and recombineering.
    • Engineered BAC cloning vectors.