Problem Solver

Erik Smakman

Erik Smakman
I like to frame problems within their proper and full context, so that solutions are realistic, workable within this context. This comes from a belief that - in the area of organizations or society - complex interactions determine outcomes. Taking these interactions apart but also analyzing their interconnection is my strength.

Areas Erik Smakman is Knowledgeable in:

- mix of organisation and people in it, strategy/vision/objectives and processes
- using marketing tools and ideas to increase success rates
- wealth & poverty of nations, and how to solve the poverty puzzle

Techniques Erik Smakman Uses:

- cause & effect analysis
- logical thinking
- modelling (qualitative)
- brainstorming techniques, e.g. mindmapping

Erik Smakman's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Creating and bringing new products to market
  2. Improving existing products and business models around customer needs
  3. Adapting organizational structures and processes to changing strategies
  4. Bringing business and result-oriented thinking into a non-business (government, healthcare, education, etc) context
  5. Introduce value thinking into process optimization
  6. Generalist problem solver with broad (not deep) insights in many industries, technologies and business functions

Erik Smakman's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Company delivering a commodity construction product sees margins erode under competitive pressures. Interested to find a 'blue ocean' within its domain.
    Applying 'go see for yourself', talking to customers and taking experience from other sectors gave a solution in taking the commodity-aspect out by adding new functionality (long term solution), and by focusing on the service aspect versus the pure functional product (short term solution)