Problem Solver

Estacio F. Ramos

Estacio F. Ramos
Most times, the best solution is VERY SIMPLE. I like tp know the problem and think about it. If I can't solve it in a few days, it's because I've got a simple solution. Which is always cheaper, and easy.

Areas Estacio F. Ramos is Knowledgeable in:

I've got extensive knowledge in many differente areas.
I''ve been able to provide solutions for problems far from my technical expertise (above depicted)

Techniques Estacio F. Ramos Uses:

Thinking, draft design, basic lab experimentation.

Estacio F. Ramos's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Photography and Photomicrograph
  2. Medical Research
  3. Design / Medical Devices
  4. Stem Cells
  5. Epidemiology
  6. Blood Banking and Hematlogy
  7. Diagnostic tests and devices
  8. Medical Laboratory
  9. Marketing
  10. Healthcare

Estacio F. Ramos's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I've improved existing medical technologies.
  2. Due to the re-emergence of the swine flu, (Infulenza A-H1N1) I've developed a non-ivasive system (yet to be further improved and submitted to field testing) for the detection of people with no fully manifested diseases. Eventually it will disclose sick people (many other diseases, also) even before symptoms.
  3. I've created new disposable and cheap IMPACT INDICATOR for use in delicate pieces being transported.
  4. I've studied, developed and used innovative marketing systems for healthcare industry.
  5. I've created a unique and patented HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis System/Product that will be in market in 2010.
  6. I've developed many innovative diagnostic tests; my main expetises in the diagnsotic area are immunology, hematology and blood banking.
  7. I discovered tha ideal absorbent material for a new generation of cunsumer care products, sucha as diapers, tissue paper, etc. The material I identified is natural (biodegradable), non allergenic, has no bad smell, is biocompatible, it is not synthetic, can be in contact with skin for longa times, and it is very cheap.