Problem Solver

Felipe Gútiez

Felipe Gútiez

Areas Felipe Gútiez is Knowledgeable in:

Household items, robotics, renewable energy

Techniques Felipe Gútiez Uses:

Logical steps and relation to other issues, see how nature solve the problems, history, dreaming, asking people

Felipe Gútiez's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. I speak English, German, French, Spanish and some Russian
  2. As a translator I have relation to many issues and I can see possible relations between objects and actions
  3. I have a very strong philosophical basis, so I am very logical
  4. Languages, Theology, Philosophy, Politics, History, translation, EU, psychology, solar energy, e-reader, new technologies,
  5. As a father of 4 children I have learned to be patient and to write down solutions when they come up in the middle of the night

Felipe Gútiez's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have an special good eye for needs people have which can be dealt with
  2. Global cloud,, solar energy solutions