Problem Solver

Gary Rimar

Areas Gary Rimar is Knowledgeable in:

Communications, facilitation, video production, computer technology, and music. I may not be the best fit to lead a team, but the range of experience I do bring could help me compliment a team well.

Techniques Gary Rimar Uses:

Brainstorming, process of elimination, interacting with others, bringing diverse areas together (i.e., used my understanding of music and frequency theory to solve a computer programming problem), and help my team work together with solid facilitation and communication skills.

Gary Rimar's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Pianist
  2. Author
  3. Audio production
  4. Computer graphics creation
  5. Multimedia application development
  6. Video editing
  7. Virus remediation
  8. Network administration
  9. Computer repair
  10. Composer
  11. Arranger
  12. Has absolute pitch memory (perfect pitch)
  13. Trainer / Insructional technologist

Gary Rimar's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. By creating an instructional worksheet for 120 employees to follow, and by printing to network shares when the Internet was down, I was able to eradicate the Sircam virus on 120 computers on two campuses in one workday when each machine had to be touched and finished in person.
  2. Using perfect pitch and frequency theory, I created a lookup table for a computer program that had to create certain music notes in 1/20th of the allotted time. This was done when computers were 286s and the Internet wasn't available to locate the frequencies.