Problem Solver

Glenn Crocker

Areas Glenn Crocker is Knowledgeable in:

Automobile components, green sustainable technologies, biomass, biofuel.

Techniques Glenn Crocker Uses:

Go to sleep with the challenge, quiet time, and visualize the challenge to be possible.

Glenn Crocker's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Locate technologies which solve a problem
  2. Thinking out of the box
  3. Research and validate new technolgies
  4. Creating new concepts to solve a problem
  5. Packaging components
  6. Networking with technology suppliers

Glenn Crocker's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Combined 2 technologies to create a hybrid biomass to clean coal / torrified wood. The first a being microwave technology the second a conveyor belt to move the biomass through the microwaves.
  2. Designed a new concept for a truck door which allowed a sub assembly to simplify the assembly process.
  3. Designed and packaged many automobile components into the structure, IP, door systems.
  4. Holder of 7 patents which solved design and function challenges.