Problem Solver

Godfrey Franco Juma

Areas Godfrey Franco Juma is Knowledgeable in:

insecurity, environment, waste management,youths, HIV and AIDS, Sexual activities in colleges and universities,how the media affects both politicians and citizens,

Techniques Godfrey Franco Juma Uses:

team work, questionnaires, interviews,observations, focus group discussions, the internet, archives, the library, read a lot of articles

Godfrey Franco Juma's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. drama(play), media management, sound, feature and documentary skills.
  2. communications skillls,public relations, sociology,broadcasting,audience analysis,radio production skills,conflict resolutions

Godfrey Franco Juma's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. i have experience in media industry
    i also have experience on how the media affects the country politically and economically.
    i have experience on the issues of insecurity.
    i have experience on the issues of environment and waste management.
    i have experience on the issues of HIV/Aids and how it affects the youths especially in colleges and universities.