Problem Solver

Graham Gardiner

I get excited about finding solutions to problems. I'm not satisfied unless the solution found is viable. I'm particularly keen to find solutions which are not grant reliant.

Areas Graham Gardiner is Knowledgeable in:

care & support for vulnerable people.
development of social enterprises

Techniques Graham Gardiner Uses:

6 hats
Work with service users
visual thinking techniques

Graham Gardiner's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. service design & re-design
  2. business innovation
  3. social innovation
  4. social entrepreneur
  5. working with people
  6. change management

Graham Gardiner's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I developed a service that enabled people suffering from low level mental health issues to be diverted from secondary mental health services, receiving appropriate social care
    I developed a service that offered social home care revolutionising current social care provision for older people with mental health issues
    I developed a service to enable homeless people to learn DIY skills, renovate local authority housing and allocate the tenancy to one of the group
    I developed a social enterprise that provided handyman services, providing employment opportunities for those farthest from the labour market.