Problem Solver

Greg Packer

Very serious about what I do , I get results ,quickly , not interested in trivia or in wasting peoples time If i can t do the job or have no experience in the area requested I will tell you up front.

Areas Greg Packer is Knowledgeable in:

Heavy machinery, Mining, Robotics, medical ,any type of equipment really ,not into designing electrical components or circuits,the same as hydraulics .Impliment the technology but do not work out the power pack you need etc I leave that to the specialists.

Techniques Greg Packer Uses:

Use my experience of 35 yrs working on heavy engineering and 10 yrs on my own company , designing robots for $40 mill robotic meatworks, worked as contract designer ,for many companies including CSIRO for short contract ,not only designing
and fixing problems but also went out in the factory and built the prototype

Greg Packer's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Very quick at solving problems whether it be design ,methodology material ,other
  2. Have been involved with design and manufacture of heavy haulage ,mining machinery,robotics ,waste vehicles, nano cookers for th

Greg Packer's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Recently patented the Worlds first hybrid /electric waste vehicle that incorporates plc operated Robotics, triple sideshift ,no more front lift, carries 60 cub metres.
    Also have designed the worlds atomic hydrogen reactor runs helium closed cycle turbines .high temp fuel cells producing electricity and water from the atmosphere without plugging into outside source.Looking for Investors for both of these mega million dollar products.