Problem Solver

Jack Savidge

Jack Savidge
There is no such thing as a dumb question; I may not know the answer but will tell you that quickly and then point you in a more fruitful direction; and, we discuss your idea - I may ask indiscrete questions but you must be mindful of indiscrete answers.

Areas Jack Savidge is Knowledgeable in:

helping scientists shape or reshape thier discoveries into the most probable commercially acceptable solution

Techniques Jack Savidge Uses:

High intellectual and creative risk taking, application of practical methods and knowing when to delegate.

Jack Savidge's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. corporate internal venturing, university to industry commercialization, proof-of-concept management

Jack Savidge's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Lead development as CEO of a wood waste combustion system that produced 30M Btu's/hr while meeting the pollution codes for use in burning sanding dust, of no value, to replace natural gas in veneer dryers; championed and add technical value to automate credit cards through use of a magnetic stripe; increased the MTBF of punched paper tape in numerical control machines by adapting waste polyester roll opaque edge trims as paper replacement to Increase punch life, decrease punch sharpening, and reduced machine/hour cost. In all these examples, I conceived the innovation and led the development.