Problem Solver

Jeff Maltby

Areas Jeff Maltby is Knowledgeable in:

Water treatment, ultrapure water, basic boiler chemistry, froth floatation, acid leaching

Jeff Maltby's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Water treatment, filtration, demineralization, Reverse Osmosis, Electro-DeIonization

Jeff Maltby's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I investigated and solved several water treatment system issues on a separate mine site to the one above. The water treatment systems were intended to keep one system free from slimes and algae, and to treat scale in two other systems.
  2. I created and implemented a treatment regime to eradicate legionella bacteria from a large recirculating water system in an underground metaliferous mine.
  3. I have investigated an entire water treatment system, from primary and secondary filtration through RO and demineralization and recommended (and implemented) alterations to increase reliability during times of high solids loading and high alkalinity.