Problem Solver

Jeff Stutzman

Jeff Stutzman
I'm equally logical and artistic. This dichotomous brain function gets unique results in an efficient manner.

Areas Jeff Stutzman is Knowledgeable in:

Audio Recording & Music Production

Techniques Jeff Stutzman Uses:


Jeff Stutzman's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Sound Recording & Music Production
  2. Audio Signal Flow & Design
  3. Audio Editing & Workflow Efficiency
  4. Acoustic Isolation & Control
  5. Equipment Packing & Load Efficiency
  6. Balance & Symmetry
  7. Computer Workflow Efficiency
  8. Organizing Physical Media & Electronic Files
  9. Excellent Visual Understanding
  10. An Uncanny Knack for Understanding the Idiosyncrasies of a Given Group of People and Selecting the Most Agreeable Solution

Jeff Stutzman's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I'm innovating every step of the way as I solve this series of problems called life.