Problem Solver

Jerry Williams

Areas Jerry Williams is Knowledgeable in:

Oil and gas exploration and environmental compliance.
Solid waste management including recycling and composting.

Techniques Jerry Williams Uses:

Teamwork. Collaberative efforts, including buy in from the affected community.

Jerry Williams's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Interpretation of seismic, gravity, magnetic, and geological data
  2. Creating classroom cirriculum and teaching science and math to high school and middle school students.
  3. Finding and delineating oil and gas prospects and the marketing thereof.
  4. Familiarity with the environmental concerns of oil and gas exploration and production
  5. Familiarity with the entire collaborative effort in establsing an effective solidwaste management program along with recycling

Jerry Williams's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I was team leaere of oil and gas exploation in the high richk area of the basin and range complex in Nevada. I designed an exploration methodology using gravity, magentics, and sesimic data for delineating prospects beneath the masking effects of the brittle tertiary volcanics. This effort led to the discovery and subsequent expoitation of an oil field with over 30MM bbls of proven reserve.
  2. Ove rthe couse of 7 years in running the solid Waste Management program at the Denvver International Airport (DIA) I have designed and implemented a comprehensive recycling program that diverts over 1,500 tons per year from the landfill. This is in addition to implementing a pre-consumer composting program involving over 60 restaurants and concessionaires.

    Included in the recycling program are such commodities as: all paper products, cardboard, plastic/glass/aluminum bottles and containers, hazardous waste, universial waste, e-waste, used oil, tires, construction and demolition waste, and de-icing fluid.