Problem Solver

Michael Johnstone

Michael Johnstone
First define the problem. Gather the people required to explore it. Provide the resources. Keep sight of the flow and close it out. Then give it a place in the world.

Areas Michael Johnstone is Knowledgeable in:

The built environment. Forestry. Applied Neuroscience. Photography. Cancer survival.

Techniques Michael Johnstone Uses:

Brain storming. Taking a walk. Collaborating with colleagues in different disciplines. Travel. Defining a problem before going to bed and letting the brain solve it over night. Trusting the right side of the brain. Established problem solving matrix. Examples in Nature.

Michael Johnstone's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. neuroscience, photography, cancer survivor, writer, Tai Chi, Golf, problem definer and leader.
  2. Forensic Investigator, personal injury, expert witness, construction, environment

Michael Johnstone's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. In San Francisco in the early 80's I began a movement for Earthquake Preparedness in an unban envirionment which resulted in a new Office of Emergency Services and coordination of surrounding Emergency Resources that had a common communication system.
  2. I have evaluated many older buildings and given them new life through envisioning a new use that would make them relevant again. My role as the team leader was to assess the existing resources and place them in a new context, while communicating the idea to the team. Then I assembled the various disciplnes needed to solve the problem and provide them with the resources they needed to do the work.
  3. Starting in the early 70's I conducted research on the way in which we perceive our envirinment and how that is processed in the brain. The Tsunami of new understanding in Neuroscience in the last 5 years has explained a great deal of what I was seeking. If they had just invented the fMRI 30 years ago!