Problem Solver

Narendiran Doraisamy

I bet you'll never find an easy solution than this!!!!!!

Areas Narendiran Doraisamy is Knowledgeable in:

In Mechanical Engineering.

Techniques Narendiran Doraisamy Uses:

I always try to see things as a simple one.There is no specific technique I have.
It all depends upon what type of the problem I am trying to solve. For example I used to go from Back.i.e from the end result.
Thinking Out of Box is what people say when you think anything different But I am used to think anything differently from others ,right when I was a Kid.

Narendiran Doraisamy's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. I always Find an easy ways of doing things. Suprisingly I have never taken more than a hour to solve a problem or Issue.

Narendiran Doraisamy's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I am processing an IP for my new Innovation for a System which is used in Exhaust gas Treatment.