Problem Solver

Nate Boyer

I bring fresh ideas, proven management skills, and strong creative problem solving skills to the table

Areas Nate Boyer is Knowledgeable in:

geographic information systems application problems
3D visualization application and marketing probelms
satellite remote sensing application, business development/marketing problems
virtual reality application, business development and marketing problems
new business/startup plan development

Techniques Nate Boyer Uses:

Mind mapping
lateral thinking
Attribute listing, morphological analysis and matrix analysis

Nate Boyer's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. business plan development
  2. business problem solving and consulting in the geographic information systems field
  3. developing marketing plans for start ups

Nate Boyer's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I served as a General Manager and Director of World Wide Sales at Eastman Kodak’s Commercial Remote Sensing & Images as Information division, managing several multi-million dollar defense satellite systems and commercial earth observation programs. I was director of commercial remote sensing technology at Boeing’s Integrated Defense Systems as well as managing government programs for Lockheed Martin’s Earth Observation Satellite Company. I am currently a geographic information systems consultant in upstate New York, specializing in satellite imagery, aerial photography and 3D visualization.