Problem Solver

Owen Jennings

Owen Jennings

Areas Owen Jennings is Knowledgeable in:

Agriculture, forestry, electricity use, vehicle efficiency performance.

Techniques Owen Jennings Uses:

I use a unique nanotechnology that operates at an atomic or molecular level to stablize electrons and reduce frictional loss.

Owen Jennings's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. My skills are in lateral thinking, innovative responses to problems, analysis and leadership based on experience in many sector

Owen Jennings's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I have a unique nanotechnology that improves plant health, reduces challenges from a wide range of diseases and promotes growth.
  2. I have a unique nanotechnology that reduces electricity consumption in most applications by at least 20%
  3. I have a unique nanotechnology that improves fuel efficiency in combustion engines by a minimum of 20%.