Problem Solver

Philip Verspreeuwen

I'm a young and motivated creative mind. I have a wide scope of interest and am in a constant search of new solutions. I use my analytic capacity to match technological possibilities with functional needs.

Areas Philip Verspreeuwen is Knowledgeable in:

RFID, RTLS, Location based systems, Mobile applications, material handling, supply chain optimization, operational research, 3D printing

Techniques Philip Verspreeuwen Uses:

Brainstorm sessions, Mindmapping, Quality function deployment, House of quality matrix

Philip Verspreeuwen's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Goal oriented
  2. Structured
  3. perseverant
  4. analytic
  5. creative

Philip Verspreeuwen's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. Development of Capacity Requirements planning and Material Requirements planning algorithms for a supply chain solution.
  2. At university I developed an inverse pendulum two wheel bot. Designed a stainless steel wheel frame and a carbon fibre platform body. Selected the electronical components and developed the algoritm that combines the signals of a accelerometer, gyroscope and wireless controler to control the wheels.
  3. Definition of a generic way to model products, semi-finished goods and raw materials with their Bill Of Materials, Bill Of Work and properties. This model is the backbone of a production planning tool and a shopfloor application. Furthermore it is used as a base for Activity Based Costing.