Problem Solver

Johan Wüthrich

Johan Wüthrich

Areas Johan Wüthrich is Knowledgeable in:

Packaging industry - anti counterfeiting - internet of things - connected devices - services - sharing economy

Techniques Johan Wüthrich Uses:

Lateral thinking - "copy, combine, transform" - biomimetism - listening

Johan Wüthrich's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Multi-skilled
  2. Creativity

Johan Wüthrich's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I invented and developed an anti-counterfeiting solution that is based on chaos. It's more secure, easier to use and produce and cheaper than any existing solution
  2. I developed (in collaboration with a biologist) a solution and business model for personalized nutrition based on DNA and gut microbiome
  3. I developed (in a team) a "smell free" organic waste bag