Problem Solver

Richard Schauer star Proven Solver

Because of extensive knowledge of farming and the chemical industry, I can be of help in solving a variety of problems. Furthemore, I continue to read a variety of science books and magazines to keep current on emerging technologies.

Areas Richard Schauer is Knowledgeable in:

Chemical regulations, Product safety, Environmental safety matters, global warming, Crop and livestock production, Alternative energy production on farms, genomic science

Techniques Richard Schauer Uses:

Extensive chemical knowledge
Extensive knowledge of US, Canadian and European chemical regulations
Extensive experience with all aspects of crop and livestock production

Richard Schauer's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. Farming
  2. Chemical Regulations
  3. Pesticides

Richard Schauer's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. I continue to file documents to secure/maintain registrations for biocide products such as swimming pool chemicals.
  2. I have extensive experience in all aspects of farming operations.
  3. I have filed more than 300 Premanufacture Notifications (PMNs) with EPA for new chemicals.
  4. I have supervised field testing of new pesticides and submitted the documentation to secure registration in 30 countries.
  5. I write Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) using a relational database prograqm that I developed.