Problem Solver

Rizvi Faizi

Rizvi Faizi

Areas Rizvi Faizi is Knowledgeable in:

All about writing fantasy, imagine a future technology and All about creative think.

Techniques Rizvi Faizi Uses:

read the problem and then deep think about the solution also searching references from various sources but I prefer to use my imagination at work.
also i like working via email. like a, people tell the problem completely then give some deadline and i will work for it.

Rizvi Faizi's Problem Solving Skills:

  1. i have a good talent in fantasy, all about fantasy. making a beautiful world, stories, race and etc.
  2. Entertainment, TV Shows Consultant and Creative Team
  3. Movie Industry, as a story writer, character design, story and character design in game and all about fiction story.
  4. Computer Science, Technology Consultant, like give some idea about a future technology.

Rizvi Faizi's Problem Solving Experience:

  1. i write story and character description for some game industry and give idea to young novel writers.

    i write movie story and become movie producer for some production local production house.
    i write some idea to local television for tv shows and creative quiz.